
Welcome to COVE radiology where we offer in house and outpatient ultrasounds and telerad.

Our radiologists at COVE are board-certified and are located in the central Ohio area.  All radiographs taken during Emergency visits are read by the radiologists to ensure the best care provided by COVE. 


Meet The Radiology Team



Anisha, RVT

Registered Veterinary Technician

Advanced Ultrasonography

A noninvasive procedure to evaluate soft tissue structures inside of your pet, including shape, texture, and size. COVE offers this service on an outpatient basis for your veterinarian to manage the case or in-house to be managed by the specialists at COVE.

Digital Radiology

A noninvasive procedure to evaluate organs and bone structures. All radiographs taken by our emergency department are interpreted by a boarded radiologist to ensure the best care for your pet!



Expect the best from COVE Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Hospital.

We work as a team with you, your veterinarian, and your pet, to understand their comprehensive medical history and current concerns regarding your pet. Collectively, we identify the best path of treatment.

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